In the quest for holistic well-being, individuals are increasingly exploring alternative therapies that address not just the symptoms but the root causes of discomfort and imbalance. One such practice gaining attention is Ampuku Psoas Release, a therapeutic technique rooted in ancient Eastern traditions. This unique approach focuses on the psoas muscle, a deep-seated core muscle that plays a crucial role in our physical and emotional well-being.

Understanding the Psoas Muscle

The psoas muscle, often referred to as the “muscle of the soul” or the “seat of the soul,” is a major player in the core of the body. It connects the spine to the legs, crossing over the hip joint, and is responsible for various functions such as hip flexion and stabilization. However, its significance goes beyond mere physical movement; the psoas is believed to be a repository of stress and emotional tension.

Ampuku Psoas Release Origins

Ampuku Psoas Release has its roots in Japanese traditional abdominal therapy, known as Ampuku or Hara work. Ampuku, which translates to “harmonizing the abdomen,” involves gentle and non-invasive techniques to bring balance to the abdominal area, promoting overall health and vitality.

The psoas release aspect of Ampuku is particularly focused on addressing tension and tightness in the psoas muscle. This tension can be a result of stress, trauma, prolonged sitting, or poor posture. By releasing this tension, practitioners aim to restore balance to the body and alleviate physical and emotional discomfort.

Techniques Involved

Ampuku Psoas Release employs a variety of techniques to release tension in the psoas muscle and promote overall well-being. These techniques may include:

1. Gentle Pressure and Palpation

Practitioners use gentle pressure and palpation to locate areas of tension within the psoas muscle. This hands-on approach allows for a personalized and targeted release of tension.

2. Breathwork

Deep and mindful breathing is often incorporated into Ampuku Psoas Release. Proper breathing helps the individual relax, and it also supports the release of tension in the psoas muscle.

3. Movement and Stretching

Gentle movements and stretches may be introduced to encourage flexibility and release tension in the psoas. These movements are tailored to the individual’s needs and comfort level.

Benefits of Ampuku Psoas Release

1. Improved Posture

Releasing tension in the psoas can contribute to better posture, reducing the strain on the lower back and promoting a more aligned and comfortable stance.

2. Emotional Release

The psoas is often considered a storehouse for emotions. Releasing tension in this muscle may lead to an emotional release, helping individuals let go of stress and trauma.

3. Enhanced Vitality

By promoting a balanced and free-flowing psoas muscle, Ampuku Psoas Release aims to enhance overall vitality and energy levels.

4. Pain Relief

Individuals experiencing lower back pain, hip discomfort, or digestive issues may find relief through Ampuku Psoas Release as it addresses the underlying tension in the core muscles.


Ampuku Psoas Release offers a unique and holistic approach to well-being, combining ancient wisdom with modern understanding. By focusing on the psoas muscle, practitioners aim to unlock not only physical tension but also emotional stress, promoting a sense of balance and vitality. As with any alternative therapy, it is essential to consult with qualified practitioners to ensure a safe and effective experience. Whether you are seeking relief from physical discomfort or aiming to enhance your emotional well-being, Ampuku Psoas Release may be a valuable addition to your holistic health journey.

If you’re interested in Ampuku Psoas Release therapy, you can visit the As Designed Wellness clinic in Dana Point, California. With a registered practitioner, our clinic provides the best treatment for psoas pain. Additionally, you can schedule your appointment by going to this form As Designed Wellness Appointment or call (949) 412-6815.