Oromyofunctional Therapy is gaining recognition as an effective approach to address various orofacial and myofunctional issues. Rooted in the understanding that proper function of the muscles in the mouth and face is crucial for overall well-being, this therapeutic technique has become a valuable resource for individuals seeking solutions to problems such as speech disorders, breathing difficulties, and facial muscle imbalances.

What is Oromyofunctional Therapy?

Oromyofunctional Therapy is a specialized field that focuses on the assessment and rehabilitation of orofacial muscles and functions. The term “orofacial” refers to the mouth and face, and “myofunctional” pertains to the function of muscles. In this therapy, trained professionals, often called oromyofunctional therapists, work to correct improper muscle functions in the oral and facial regions.

Key Components of Oromyofunctional Therapy

1. Muscle Assessment

Oromyofunctional therapists begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the orofacial muscles. This includes an examination of the tongue, lips, cheeks, and jaw to identify any abnormalities or dysfunction.

2. Breathing Patterns

The therapy addresses improper breathing patterns, with a particular focus on nasal breathing. Correcting breathing habits is crucial for overall health, as mouth breathing can contribute to a range of issues, from sleep disturbances to facial muscle imbalances.

3. Swallowing Function

Oromyofunctional therapists evaluate and correct swallowing patterns. Improper swallowing can lead to issues such as tongue thrust, which may impact speech and dental alignment.

4. Speech Disorders

Oromyofunctional Therapy plays a role in addressing certain speech disorders, especially those related to articulation and pronunciation. By improving muscle coordination, individuals can enhance their speech clarity.

5. Orthodontic Support

Oromyofunctional Therapy is often used in collaboration with orthodontic treatment. Addressing orofacial muscle issues can contribute to better orthodontic outcomes by ensuring proper alignment and function.

Conditions Treated by Oromyofunctional Therapy

1. Tongue Tie (Ankyloglossia)

Oromyofunctional therapists may work with individuals who have tongue tie, a condition where the strip of skin beneath the tongue (lingual frenulum) is shorter than usual, limiting the tongue’s range of motion.

2. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction

Oromyofunctional Therapy can be beneficial for individuals experiencing TMJ dysfunction, addressing muscle imbalances and promoting proper jaw function.

3. Speech and Articulation Disorders

Children and adults with speech and articulation challenges can benefit from Oromyofunctional Therapy to improve muscle coordination and communication skills.

4. Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders

Oromyofunctional Therapy is often employed in cases of sleep-related breathing disorders, addressing issues like snoring and obstructive sleep apnea through muscle training and coordination.


Oromyofunctional Therapy is a multifaceted approach that goes beyond treating symptoms to address the root causes of orofacial and myofunctional issues. By working with trained professionals, individuals can unlock improved muscle function, speech clarity, and overall well-being. As with any therapeutic intervention, it’s essential to consult with qualified practitioners to tailor the approach to individual needs. Discover the transformative potential of Oromyofunctional Therapy and take a step towards achieving optimal orofacial health.

Visit As Designed Wellness in Dana Point if you’re interested in Oromyofunctional therapy. The clinic’s specialist is available to help you with your problem. Please use this form to schedule an appointment in advance, or give us a call at (949) 412-6815.