An autoimmune disease is one in which your immune system acts against your body cells. That is why it is also called autoimmunity. So if you’re looking to learn more about it, you’re in the right place.

Here is everything you need to know about autoimmune diseases.

How To Find Out About Autoimmunity?

There are over more than 80 autoimmune diseases that can affect you. But the good news is that the early signs are pretty similar. So to keep the condition under control, it is essential to get an early diagnosis. Here are some common autoimmune disease symptoms and signs that you should know to find out about autoimmunity.

1. Skin Problems/Inflammation

The skin is an external organ. That is why it is best for indicating inflammation. If you start to observe unusual redness, itchiness, or rashes on your skin, there is a chance that you have an underlying inflammation. Even excess acne can be an indicator that something is wrong with your body.

While these signs can occur because of many things, it is best to be safe, especially if autoimmunity runs in your family. Besides that, a change of skin color can also be a symptom of autoimmune disease. For example, lupus causes a change in texture and color of skin.

2. Muscle or Joint Pain

One of the most prevalent autoimmune diseases is Rheumatoid Arthritis. The condition results in extreme joint and muscle pains. That is why it is easier to diagnose than other conditions.

So if you’re not an athlete and face muscle pains frequently, then it’s best to visit a doctor. Getting an early diagnosis will help you make the suitable changes to live comfortably.

3. Fatigue

Even after a solid 8 or even 9 hours of sleep, feeling mentally and physically fatigued should not be ignored. Autoimmunity can manifest itself in the form of fatigue and “brain fog.”

Fatigue is a physical symptom of chronic inflammation anemia, which is a type of anemia that can occur in situations of underlying inflammatory disease. As you may know, inflammation is one of the most alarming signs of an autoimmune ailment, and it should be addressed carefully.

4. Weight Fluctuation

Weight fluctuation without a clear cause, particularly if other symptoms are present, may indicate immune system problems. Some autoimmune disorders promote weight loss, while others cause weight gain.

5. Digestive Tract Discomfort

If other symptoms are present, any digestive discomfort should also be investigated. Many IBDs begin with modest symptoms that come and go and can be readily attributed to “poor food” or “stress.” However, you should not ignore diarrhea until there is blood in your stool.

Antinuclear Antibody Test (ANA)

This is not a sign or symptom of autoimmune disease. But, it is a test that can help you know about autoimmunity. So, if you’re suffering from symptoms of any autoimmune disease, you should get an ANA.

If the test is positive, it means that you have an autoimmune disease. However, the ANA does not confirm the type of condition you have. So, for that, you will have to seek help from an autoimmune disease doctor.

Final Words

If you’re ready to look for an autoimmune disease doctor around Orange County, specially in Dana Point, you can visit As Designed Wellness clinic and look for Dr. Susan Jeffries, DACM, M.S. L.Ac., she will surely help you address your issue. 

That was all you needed to know about autoimmunity. So be sure to get a diagnosis and then seek help accordingly.